A downloadable demo for Windows

This is a built demo to play with / test the different spatial partitioning / broadphase code in my DragonSpace repo. You could also just set it up as a weird screensaver if you want!

It doesn't have a lot of options, and I probably shouldn't have let the slider go up to 10,000 . Maybe your computer is better than mine and it'll be fine! Use at your own risk!

If you want to play with it more, the github code includes the full unity project where you can tweak the boid settings (they're pretty finnicky, I was focused on the actual quadtree code). A good comparison would be looking at the difference between methods on a big and small map. Everything will be slower in a more crowded area, but some methods will suffer more than others.

Made withUnity
Tagssourcecode, tool, Unity
Average sessionA few seconds
LinksSource code


BoidsDemo.zip 17 MB

Install instructions

Unzip and run the .exe

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